
N C Agrawal & Associates – Chartered Accountants Firm

N C Agrawal & Associates is one of the leading Chartered Accountants Firms rendering professional services which include Audit, Tax Consultancy, Company Registration, Society/NGO Formation, Corporate Annual Compliance, Management Consultancy, Accounting Services, Manpower Management, Secretarial Services and Allied Services. Firm is professionally managed and represents a young and highly energetic team of passionate professionals who believe in ensuring that work is done customised to the requirements of every individual/entity. Associated professionals have regular interaction with the industry and other professionals, thereby enables the firm to keep pace with contemporary developments and regulatory changes.

Why and how did you start your company?
Neeraj always had this intention of diving into CA practice. So after completing CA in 2012, he jumped right into it.

What makes your business, service or product special?
Neeraj personally oversees everything before filing and therefore gives personal touch to every client.

What has been your biggest success factors?
Approaching clients in the right manner, working with honesty and dedication, updating knowledge in my area are truly our biggest success factors.

What are the biggest challenges you have faced launching and running the company?
Neeraj is a first Chartered Accountant in his family so there was no contact and no client base. Also there was no huge investment to smoothly run a startup and there was already immense competition in the market. Overcoming these challenges made us robust and well known today.

Which do you think is most important: the right product, the right market, or the right team?
All these three factors are indispensable to succeed and we worked on all of them.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
We work everyday just to make us perform better. We are serving individuals, firms, corporates and state governments. In future, we shall be extending our services to bigger corporates and central government.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who are just started or want to start?
Confidence and self belief worked like miracles for us which we think are the most important inputs in every venture.

Where can we find out more about your startup?
To know more about us, visit us at

1 Comment

  1. Despite having no source to get into practice, you have proved to be a good competitor to the existing Chartered Accountants. Proud of you. Thank you for all the motivation!

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